Amplify International Women's Day

08 MAR 2019  |  Careers
Amir Khadr - Head of Technology
Will de Lucy, Managing Director and Dhinta Foster, Business Development Executive

International Women’s Day is a global day to celebrate the achievements and advancements professionally, socially and culturally by women. The past century has brought about many changes to the role of women in society, especially in the work-place.

However, so much more is yet to be done.

Many of our investment banking clients are now actively trying to encourage more female applicants to their most rewarding and demanding roles. This is not in an effort to positively discriminate, but more to increase the pool of potential talent from which they can hire.

We at Amplify are determined to disrupt the traditional recruitment process in finance. We believe roles should be offered to those who can perform best in the roles, rather than those that know how to apply for those roles most effectively.

Finding the best person for any job requires a diversity in applications, and the financial industry has traditionally been one that has not attracted some of the most promising female talent. The reasons for this are profound, and in many ways go right back to the perception of what type of person should work in finance.

This is changing.

Our practical simulation training events are a great tool to introduce the industry to a wide pool of diverse talent. I am honoured to have hosted this year’s International Women’s day event for undergraduate women. We are running a fully sponsored training event to attract more women in the industry and help empower women within finance.

The event was attended by many of our investment bank clients who are all on board with Amplify to try and find the new future market leaders. The technology used in this event has just been shortlisted for the work we do with Morgan Stanley in this regard.

Happy International Women’s Day 2019!

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